So... the orcs think the dwarven borders are creeping a bit too close so they launch an attack on the stunties, taking a bit of a risk by choosing the All or nothing event. Good if they win, bad if they loose. The dwarfs has the Propaganda event, heightening their morale a bit.
Deployment - Dwarfs
The dwarven right flank consists of some warmachines on a small hill, and a big block of warriors led by some kind of... dwarf.
The battlefield is split in half by a nifty river. There is a small unit of what I guess are hammerers, a bolt thrower with the mandatory engineer, followed by an Organ gun further to the left.
On the left flank, the dwarf general is standing on his shield in the front of a block of Ironbreakers, while two units of shooters are supposed to cover them and the gyrocopter. There might be some miners in reserve as well, we'll see.
Deployment - Orcs
These are some awful pictures, but here goes... far to the right we have a throng of night goblins. Hiding behind the fence are two bolt throwers, followed by four trolls. That big block of orcs might be big, black or savage 'unz, but whatever kind they are, their minds are set on pulling some beards. Four more trolls are hiding behind the forest, their minds probably wandering away towards the Eurovision song contest grand finals. Seems likely.
What else do we've got? A Wolf chariot and some squig hoppers by the look of it. Further back is a doom diver and a lobba. On the other side of the river is a block of black orcs (ok, so that other block from before had a lighter skin colour, I guess).
There is another wolf chariot, a lone gobbo shroom muncher in a big hat, some more night goblins, a bolt thrower and a unit of wolf riders.
Turn 1
As you would expect, all orcs advance while the dwarfs mostly stand back. A couple of orcs die to shooting but nothing out of the ordinary. The Gyrocopter gets attacked by two fanatics during his beer brake but his ride remains functional.
Two trolls are shot down but other than that, not much cool stuff going on.
Turn 2
The dwarfs right flank looks doomed as orcs, trolls, squigs and chariots all reach their lines. The stunties get badly beaten up, but manage to hold. The hammerers even win their fight and the squig hoppers head for Azerbadjan. On the other flank the Iron breakers have backed up a bit so they keep out of trouble for a little while longer.
Turn 3
The hammerers disassemble the chariot but take some beating from the schlager trolls. The other dwarf unit take some more damage but dish some out in return. Just to the right of this picture, the big unit of gobbos is closing in to charge up the hill.
Best picture ever... The night goblins have become severely shot up and the remaining ones charge the thunderers. To no avail, but somehow the two remaining goblins keep themselves from legging it. I have no idea what the black orcs are doing. They must have fled; perhaps the Iron breakers have the "charge us or flee" banner. The Iron breakers turn to cross the river to help their homies on the other side.
Turn 4
The goblins have overrun the hill and head for the flank of the warrior unit that is no longer there. Only the thane remains, holding off the boyz for a little while longer. The hammerers have also been stomped into the ground, but they seem to have taken the trolls with them.
The rest
The ironbreakers and the dwarf lord cross the river to avenge their little flattened pals. The trolls and goblins turn to meet them. I don't think they had time to actually dish it out but the dwarfs should have won that pretty easily. It wasn't shown in any picture, but the goblin artillery was ambushed and wrecked by miners.
The black orcs have rallied but never really got to fight anything. If they and the gobbos had managed to engage the iron breakers from two sides, the orcs might have won the battle. Now it turns out to be a draw, which leaves the greenskins with zero Empire points due to the All or nothing event.
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