Friday, 11 February 2011

ME Campaign 2 - Turn 4 - Empire vs Vampire counts

The Empire doesn't want to fight daemons today for some reason, so they send their best diplomats to strike them a deal: peace for bananas. Meanwhile, the Vampire counts decide to grab some human lands. Yes, those were hints of the campaign Events involved.

Deployment - Vampire counts
Wow, could it be? We're playing in daylight! So... from the top we have a unit of Grave guard, a horde of ghouls, soundzz of zombies, four wraiths and some ghosts. There are also a vampire chick and a necromancer walking around by themselves somewhere in there. Well, maybe he is not a necromancer but he looks more like a bum than a goth.

Deployment - Empire
Some meaningless pistolieers is spearheading the imperial army, followed by a big unit of knights, 20 crossbowmen, greatswords, a horde of swordsmen...

...and a horde of halberdiers. The artillery consists of a helstorm rocket battery and three mortars. Zombies need not apply.

Turn 1
Most stuff just move forward. The ghouls get dance macabre:d and manage to reach the swordsmen.

Ghosts and wraiths are sent away to manage the artillery. The zombies appear to still stand. The mortars probably targeted the ghouls in the shooting phase.

Turn 2
The ghouls fail to break the swordsmen and instead crumble in droves when they get a horde of halberdiers in their flank. Over half of the zombies have been blown up and the grave guard get charged by knights, greatswords and pistoliers. Bad news.

...yup that's it! Massacre win for the Empire.

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