Friday, 11 February 2011

ME Campaign 2 - Turn 4 - End of turn

The poor Orcs are still stuck with one single tile, and the dwarfs are getting busy surrounding them with fortifications and cities, to make it even harder for them to break out. The fortresses will also be nifty to fend off any Dark elf attacks, should they decide to intervene. The Empire and Vampires expand their territories and are now bordering to each other. The Dark elves retake a tile from the Daemons, pushing them away from their precious capital.

Empire size turn 4
Dwarfs (white) - 10
Empire (blue) - 5
Vampires (black) - 4
Daemons (red) - 6
Dark elves (purple) - 9
Orcs (green) - 2 (boohoo)

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