Tuesday, 25 May 2010

ME campaign - Turn 8 - Daemons vs Empire

So... no pictures of this battle, I'm afraid. And no actual report either. Basically the Empire player considered using the Diplomacy event to keep the Daemons from attacking the imperial capital (the daemon player likes large battles and attacking a capital makes it a whooping 4000 points). Sadly, he decided he had a chance of winning the battle by choosing the Scouts event instead. Had he won, he could have conquered daemonic tiles easier since they didn't have any fortifications. And the more cheap tiles he could claim, the greater the chance of challenging the Dark elven superiority in this campaign.

In short, the daemons won a solid victory, which combined with the All or nothing event allowed them to raze the imperial capital and basically ruin the empire player's chances of winning the campaign.

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