Tuesday, 18 May 2010

ME campaign - Turn 7 - Dwarfs vs Daemons

Dwarfs deployment
The daemons decide to attack the mountain tile held by the dwarfs in the center of the map. This is a 3 or 4000 points battle, I don't really remember. But it's pretty big. Yup.

The unpainted ones in the corner are thunderers, then there are a cannon and two bolt throwers hiding in a small swamp. A block of iron breakers is guarding the flank and a gyrocopter is preparing to... well, fly around and annoy stuff.

As we all know, all dwarf players are devil worshippers. On the hill is an Anvil of dumb, two organ guns and a unit of thunderers. The hill is protected by two blocks of dwarfs. Probably hammerers to the right and longbeards to the left. There are also more thunderers, two bolt throwers , another gyrocopter and a large block of slayers. The dwarfs have the Elite army event for this campaign turn, so they are allowed a massive amount of special and rare stuff.

Deamons deployment
A Bloodthirster is bravely hiding behind a hill along with some flesh hounds. Some screamers are screened by furies, as are 3 blocks of bloodletters, one unit of daemonettes, more screamers, a daemon prince and more khorne dogs. That's a lot of daemons, that is!

Daemons turn 1
The daemonic and very evil left flank rushes forwards, screened by furies. The bloodthirster hides behind the woods.

In the center a wall of furies is protecting the advancing bloodletters and all that other stuff. They keep out of charge range of the dwarfs, but the furies will of course be able to charge just about anything the next turn. Most of the dwarven gunline seems pretty worthless at the moment.

Dwarfs turn 1
This is a pretty neat way to get rid of pesky screens of flyers. Charge a gyrocopter into them. A block of iron breakers spurred on by the anvil of doom also helps.

The other gyrocopter does the same thing, charging one unit of furies so the gunline can actually do something. The slayers move up to wave pointy things at the flesh hounds.

The last unit of furies gets blasted by two organ guns. The rest of the shooters now target the advancing horde further back, but don't do that much damage.

Daemons turn 2
The remaining furies charge the dwarf cannon. That combat will probably take a while.

The bloodthrirster walks through the woods to get into the flank of the iron breakers, while the flesh hounds stay back, hoping that the furies go poof so they can get into the action.

This was sadly the last picture. The bloodthirster smashed the gyrocopter and overran into the ironbreakers, where he stayed most of the battle, failing to break them. The anvil of doom attempted an epic countercharge but the Ancient Rune of Many Dwarfs Running Forwards misfired and the whole darn thing exploded. Eventually the daemons engaged the dwarf blocks and then it was downhills for the stunties. The battle ended in a solid or perhaps even a massacre win for the daemons.

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