Thursday, 5 August 2010

ME campaign 2 - Turn 3 - Dark elves vs Vampire counts

Note: This is the first campaign game we play under 8th edition rules. It will probably take a while to get rid of the 7th ed mentality, so some stuff we do may be stupid or just plain illegal. But fun, nonetheless...

Deployment - Dark elves 2040 pts
On the far left dark elven flank is a Reaper bolt thrower, and on the other side of the forest we have 5 Cold one knights led by a Master, next is a War hydra, 15 Black guard, a big unit of 30 crossbowmen (led by a master with some kind of magic crossbow), 18 Corsairs with handbows, a level 4 sorceress on a Dark pegasus (she chose the lore of fire) and a unit of Dark riders with crossbows.

Deployment - Vampire counts 2000 pts
From the left, the undead army consists of 18 Grave guard led by a vampire with Master of teh dork arts (she knows all Death lore spells), with a necromancer hiding behind the unit. A Black couch is next, then we have a huge block of 45 zombies, 30 skeletons led by the general; a Vampire lord with Crown of command and some other stuff. Another big block of grave guard stands yet further away, and there is also a Varguhulgff hiding behind the temple to the right.

Vampires turn 1
The Varghulfgdrt skips ahead and hides behind a low wall, while the rest of the army just marches forward.

We weren't really fond of the Purple sun of Xereus spell back in 4th edition, but it sure is nifty against Hydras. The template goes right through it and now threatens the Dark elves from behind. Many Grave guard are killed by the magic backlash, however.

Dark elves turn 1
The knights barely move at all, waiting for the undead to come closer before charging in. The black guard are not all too keen on getting stuck fighting zombies all day long, and wheel up to meet the skeletons (who get almost obliterated by a hail of about 75 crossbow bolts, by the way). The Corsairs sneak into the woods, which turns out to be just a normal wood). The Varghulfrd gets blown to pieces by a fireball.

Vampires turn 2
A bit gunshy after the massive elven shooting phase, the undead slow down a bit, which probably is a mistake. The zombies adapt Horde formation, hoping they might deal better with the Black guard. Some grave guard are raised, but not much else magic gets through. The little nasty statue by the tower suddenly starts shooting laserbeams at the zombies, while the woods they just entered turn out to be filled with evil, carnivorous squirrels. Quite a few of the rotten bastards die.

Dark elves turn 2
All the shooting is now directed at the Grave guard on the vampires' left flank. Only one rank is left standing. The Cold ones fail their Stupidity test and take a few steps forward. Not much else going on, I believe. The Black guard just hang around waiting for the zombies to come out of the woods.

Vampires turn 3
Thanks to the Cold ones' stupidity, both the Black cough and the Grave guard manage to charge them. Meanwhile, the zombies charge the Black guard (which is never a good idea, but as we all know, zombies prefer eating brains rather than using them). The grave guard on the left flank get raised up to decent numbers again, and charge the Corsairs in the forest. The Vampire general is left alone in the open. His unit probably was shot down last turn, or they possibly tried to charge, but failed and recieved a nasty Stand-and-shoot.

Most cold one knights are killed, and the rest flee. The Black couch can't pursuit because of a building in the way. The zombies cause two wounds on the Black guard, both of which are saved by their puny armour. In return, all but one(!) zombies get thrown into the dark elven wood chipper and turned into confetti. Luckily, that last zombie stops the Black guard from reforming and charging the Grave guard in the next turn.

The rest
No more pictures, it seems... Well, the Corsairs are broken in combat and the remaining Grave guard (up on the left flank) get a charge off on the crossbowmen from an angle where they can't stand and shoot. That doesn't help, though, as they fail to kill anything and instead crumble away. Before this happens, though, the Vampire lord is shot dead. Lore of Shadows is probably a good idea for Vampires and their oh-so-important generals; being able to switch places with other characters would save them from situations like this.

The hero zombie doesn't survive that long, and the Black guard turn their attention to what they do best; killing everything the enemy has left. So... another massacre win for los Elfos negros.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

ME campaign 2 - Turn 3 - Orcs vs Dwarfs

Deployment - Orcs 2175
The Orcs rolled high on the Events table, and got reinforced by a unit of Cold one knights for this battle. They also got to use the Flank attack scenario, so the Dwarfs are in for some surprises.
From left to right:
  • 29 night goblins with short bows and 2 fanatics, led by a Gobbo BSB. Probably not the best idea to place the banner out on teh flank, but poerhaps the flanking units that will arrive later on might get to use it.
  • 2 Spear chukkas hiding in a shrubbery
  • 29 Boyz with two choppas, led by the general, a Black orc warboss with the Battleaxe of the last waaagh
  • A rock lobber
  • 29 Savage boyz with two choppas, led by a Savage big boss with the Screaming sword
  • 2 units of 6 gobbo wolf riders each
  • The flanking force consists of 5 Cold one knights, 3 trolls, led by a savage bigboss with Porko's pigstikka, and a unit of 6 Savage boar boy Big'unz

Deployment - Dwarfs 2200 pts
The dwarfs have taken position on and around a hill, which is common dwarven sense. From left to right:
  • 10 quarellers
  • 1 Grudge thrower
  • 2 Bolt throwers
  • 19 Iron breakers with Rune of Determination and Courage, led by a thane with Master rune of Challenge
  • 19 Hammerers with Rune of battle, led by a lord on Shieldbearers
  • 10 Thunderers
  • 1 Gyrocopter
  • 1 Organ gun in the forest
  • 19 Long beards with Rune of Determination, led by a BSB and a Runesmith

Orcs turn 1
The Orc boys deide it is already time to "show'em", and they rush forward. The Savage orcs on the other are having too good of a time fighting among themselves, and don't move at all. The Black orc lord orders the Boyz to a halt to wait for the savages. The wolf riders move up the flank as usual.

Dwarfs turn 1
The infantry blocks take up defensive positions behind hedges and whatnot, while the Gyrocopter cooks some wolfriders. Only four orcs fall in the shooting phase.

Orcs turn 2
The Black orc lord is having a really hard time keeping his troops under control. His own boyz definately wants to "show'em" and continues onward, while the Savages keep squabbling. The Night gobbos also start to mess around, refusing to obey their lord's orders. A bolt thrower manages to hit the Gyrocopter, damaging it severly.

Dwarfs turn 2
With the orc army divided, the dwarfs turn their attention to the Black orc's eager unit, slaughtering them with all different kinds of shooting. The Organ gun in the woods suffer a misfire and blows up.

Orcs turn 3
The Savage boyz finally realize there are beards to pull, and advance. The Night goblins squabble on, and the Black orc lord has to crack some eadz to keep order in his Boyz unit. Rather than getting shot to pieces in the open, he leads the remaining boyz in a charge against the Hammerers. Shortly thereafter he and his unit is stomped into the ground by the nasty dwarfs.

All seems lost, when the Flanking force starts to arrive. Sadly, the Night goblins are very much in the way, and so all of the flankers can't come in at the same time. The trolls move up to threaten the dwarven fortress from another angle (or just draw some fire) The Cold ones also arrive, but their lizards fail their stupidity test, and run up to sniff at the wierd little green guys in funny hats in front of them.

Dwarfs turn 3
Most shooting is directed at the Savage boys who finally seem to have got their thumbs out of their asses (it's a swedish saying, but you probably get the point). Lots of them die as a grudge rock lands right in the head of their bigboss (yes, he died too).

Orcs turn 4
The two wolfrider units have sneaked up behind the dwarf lines, and could probably have spread some mischief, but no. One of them squabbles and the other fail a fear test due to some rune or something, and flees off the table. The night gobbos move away to let the Cold one knights past. The trolls fail their stupidity test and stumbles forward a bit. The remaining Savage boyz prepare to fight the Hammerers.

Dwarfs turn 4
The Savages get charged by the Hammerers, and are chased away. The Iron breakers hold position behind a wall, awaiting the flanking force.

Orcs turn 5
Well, on the bright side, there are hardly any more animosity tests to make. The trolls charge up the hill towards the gunline while the Cold ones and Boar boyz get ready to make a combined charge against the Iron breakers. The remaining wolfrider unit charges the rear of the shooter unit. The Savage boys fail to rally, and head for the swamp.

Dwarfs turn 5
Not much happening; the trolls pursuit the quarrelers into one bolt thrower, and the Wolfriders break the other shooters, pursuiting into the flank of the Longbeards. The Hammerers go warmachine hunting.

Orcs turn 6
Due to bad positioning, the Boar boys can't reach the flank of the Iron breakers, so they charge the Longbeards instead, while the Cold one knights smash into the 'breakers. The Boar boys fail utterly, getting smacked around and run down. Their wolfy friends meet the same fate. The Dark elves kill a couple of tin cans, but fail to break them due to some faggy runes. The trolls pursuit off the table and the Savage boyz fail to rally. The night gobbos finally get to do something, and send two fanatics into the Hammerers. No significant damage is done.

Dwarfs turn 6
The Cold ones turn and flee. Total massacre win for the stunties. Not a day to be remembered in the Greenskin calendar. Animosity and Stupidity wrecked any and all attempts at doing anything, really. The Flank attack scenario is not really tailor made for Orcs, getting in eachother's way.